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Effect of indolebutiric acid and naftalenacetic acid on rooting of arrow cane (Gynerium sagittatum Aubl.) cuttings

Influencia del ácido indolbutírico y ácido naftalenoacético sobre el enraizamiento de esquejes de caña flecha (Gynerium sagittatum Aubl.)

How to Cite
Hernández Murillo, J. R., Aramendiz Tatis, H., & Cardona Ayala, C. E. (2005). Effect of indolebutiric acid and naftalenacetic acid on rooting of arrow cane (Gynerium sagittatum Aubl.) cuttings. Sour Topics, 10(1), 5-13.

Jenry Rafael Hernández Murillo
Hermes Aramendiz Tatis
Carlos Enrique Cardona Ayala

The present study was done during the second semester of 2004, in the Universidad de Cordoba Experimental Field (Montería – Colombia). The main objective was to evaluate different exogenous auxin type and concentrations on rooting of Gynerium sagittatum cuttings, with three to four knots, taken from the third stem basal section. The treatments consisting of 0, 400, 800, 1200, 1600 and 2000 mg L-1, for AIB and ANA and a combination of IBA+NAA were distributed using a complete randomized design with three replicates for each treatment. The evaluated variables were root number, maximum root length and root dry mass, rooting percentage, shoot number, maximum shoot length and leaf number. The results showed that 2000 mg L-1 of IBA induced the higher number of roots per cutting and 400 mg L -1 of NAA and 1200 mg L-1 of IBA + NAA produced a 100% rooting while only a 75 % rooting was achieved in the control treatment. A 400 mg L-1 of IBA+ NAA showed good results for root length and root dry mass. In order to obtain cost adequate plants, we recommend the use of 400 mg L-1 of NAA on cuttings taken from active vegetative growing stock plants.

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