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Physical-chemical characterization of the highland forest soils of Córdoba

Caracterización química y física de los suelos agroforestales de la zona alta de Córdoba

How to Cite
Combatt Caballero, E. M., Martinez, G., & Polo Santos, J. M. (2005). Physical-chemical characterization of the highland forest soils of Córdoba. Sour Topics, 10(2), 5-14.

Enrique Miguel Combatt Caballero
Guillermo Martinez
Janer Miguel Polo Santos

The present study was carried out with the objective of determining the physical-chemical characteristics and fertility of the forest soils in the Municipalities of Tiérralta, Valencia and Montelibano in the Córdoba Department. Physical and chemical characteristics were studied collecting soil samples from the areas and using 217 results of previous chemical analyses present in the University of Córdoba soil lab database; the analytic methodologies were according to Agustín Codazzi Geographical Institute. The chemical variables were: pH, organic matter (OM), sulfur (S), phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K), exchange capacity (EC), aluminum (Al), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), cupper (Cu) and manganese (Mn). For each variable a Kruskall multiple comparison test and Wallis, with Dunn, test were performed. The statistical analyses showed significant differences among the areas with respect to chemical characteristics. Low nutritional levels were found in Tierralta and Montelibano with pH of 5.5, an indication of low fertility soils. Elements such as P and S occurred in lower than average (10 ppm) levels and nitrogen availability from the OM was insufficient (<2%). Minor elements such as Cu and Zn are deficient while Mn is in fair levels and Fe quantities are excessive. ><2%). Minor elements such as Cu and Zn are deficient while Mn is in fair levels and Fe quantities are excessive

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