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Liming and washing in acid sulfate soils in Córdoba, Colombia: Effect upon the microelements in lixiviated soils

Encalamiento y lavado en un suelo sulfatado acido de Córdoba, Colombia: II. Efecto sobre micronutrimentos en suelos lixiviados

How to Cite
Combatt Caballero, E. M., Mercado Fernández, T., & Martínez, G. (2006). Liming and washing in acid sulfate soils in Córdoba, Colombia: Effect upon the microelements in lixiviated soils. Sour Topics, 11(2), 26-35.

Enrique Miguel Combatt Caballero
Teobaldis Mercado Fernández
Guillermo Martínez

The present study was done in hothouse using polyvinyl columns (PVC) on an acid sulphate soils magnesic, classified as isohipertermic typic sulfaquepts franc mixed from San Carlos (Córdoba). The objective was to evaluate liming and washing effects on microelements (Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn) leaching. Treatments consisting of 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 ton ha-1 of lime combined with three porous volumes of washing (5.000, 10.000 and 15.000 ml of water) were applied. A complete randomized design with four replicates was used. Significant differences were found for manganese, copper and zinc and for the interaction dose by volume. No iron analysis was done due to the variability of the data (up to 350 ppm). Manganese concentration was reduced below 23 ppm (initial value), zinc decreased lower than 2.5 ppm, while copper and zinc decreased below 2.5 and 0.3 ppm, respectively. The results showed that liming and washing affect microelements dynamic inducing instability for iron and manganese but cupper and zinc with reduced concentration in the leach

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