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Comparison of two field methods for measuring saturated hydraulic conductivity in the mid Sinu valley soils (Córdoba, Colombia).

Comparación de dos métodos de campo para la determinación de la conductividad hidráulica saturada en suelos del Sinú (Córdoba, Colombia).

How to Cite
Prieto Pinzón, B., Támara Morelos, R. E., & Peroza Sierra, J. A. (2006). Comparison of two field methods for measuring saturated hydraulic conductivity in the mid Sinu valley soils (Córdoba, Colombia). Sour Topics, 11(2), 36-44.

Bernardo Prieto Pinzón
Ricardo Enrique Támara Morelos
José Antonio Peroza Sierra

The performance of the tension disc infiltrometer methodology was compared with the ring infiltrometer traditional technique to measure saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks), in Sinú soils. Two soils were chosen: a clay Endoaquept soil located in the University of Cordoba experimental field and a sandy Haplustepts located in village of Jaraquiel (Montería). Simultaneous infiltration tests were performed in each location until a steady state flow for each was reached followed by calculation of the corresponding Ks values. The Ks values obtained using ring infiltrometer were significantly greater than the ones obtained using disc infiltrometer as a result probably of the differences in depth of the equipment installation and the relative greater area covered by the ring infiltrometer. In clay soil the Ks values obtained with ring infiltrometer were in the range of 1.29 to 6.02 cm h-1, while 0.74 to 2.64 cm h-1 were obtained with disc infiltrometer. In sandy soil Ks values were 4.25 to 24.15 cm h-1 with I A and 2.23 to 7.87 cm h-1 with disc infiltrometer. Cv values in ring infiltrometer were 47% and 52% in clay and sandy soils respectively, whereas with disc infiltrometer method a 37% was obtained for both soils. disc infiltrometer method turns out to be more practical considering the easiness, time, labor, water consumption and costs. Additionally, presents low variability

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