Effect of a biofertilizer and the response to the waterlogging stress in sugarcane vitroplants, variety C120-78
Efecto de biofertilizante y estrés por hidromorfía en vitroplantas de caña de azúcar, variedad C120-78
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The soil flooding increased by the effects of global climatic change is a phenomenon that affected plants and microorganisms in many regions of the world. The presence of endophyte activity in sugarcane of Azospirillum brasilense strain´s can constitute a sustainable alternative due to the universal distribution of this bacterium and to its various beneficial effects on plant growth. In a Typic Haplustert soil of the Cauto´s River Valley, in the east region of Cuba, an experiment was established using a randomized blocks design, variety C120-78, obtained by in vitro culture, inoculated and without inoculating with Azospirillum brasilense strain 8 from INICA, under normal conditions and with flooded soil, with the objective of determining the influence of this bacterial strain on growth of the sugar cane plant cycle. It was demonstrated that the pol percentage cane, cane ton ha-1, pol ton ha-1 and the radical system growth at the twelve months of age, the presence of the bacteria in non flooded soil showed the best results, demonstrated that the low level oxygen in the soil is a restrictive element for the activity of this bacterial strain and the normal growth of the sugarcane.
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