Influence of hypoxia on the radical depth of Saccharum spp., in cauto valley, Cuba
Influencia de la hipoxia sobre la profundidad radical de Saccharum spp., en el valle del Cauto, Cuba.
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The effect of water flooding on sugarcane root depth was evaluated in six Cuban sugarcane genotypes planted in a Vertisol at the Rio Cauto Valley. Twelve treatments were planted in a split plot design whit five replications. Two soil water contents were the main plots and six genotypes were the subplot. Sugarcane genotypes were identified as C86-12, C86-456, C90-317, C87-51, C1051-73 y C12078. The results indicated that the Intensity of stress (IE), reduced, on average, root depth by 17% in the first sugarcane crop cycle and by 11.0% in the subsequent crop cycles, with marked difference between genotypes. The less affected genotypes were C86-12, C86-456 and C90-317, which seems to be better adapted to anaerobosis.
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