In vitro production of lilium (Lilium sp) microbulblets
Producción in vitro de microbulbos de lirio (Lilium sp)
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An efficient method was developed for the propagation of Lilium sp by means of bulb scales as explants of the hybrid “Casablanca”. The sections of scales were disinfected during 15 minutes with sodium hypoclorite (0.5%) and peroxide of hydrogen (0.03%) during two minutes. The explants were placed on the medium consisting of Murashige and Skoog salts supplemented with BAP (0.05 mg L-1). For the induction and diferenciatión of microbulblets, it was found that NAA (0.1 mg L-1) showed the best effect. In the proliferation phase, kinetina (1.0 mg L-1) plus sucrose (60 g L-1) induced the highest bulblet number (3.9) with 75% differentiated explantes and the highest fresh and dry masses values as well. During the acclimatization phase 96.4% surviving was achieved and 45 days after establishment formed the first minibulblet
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