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Evaluation of plant extracts for controling Mycosphaerella fijiensis in plantain in Tierralta - Córdoba

Evaluación de extractos vegetales para el control de Mycosphaerella fijiensis en plátano en Tierralta - Córdoba

How to Cite
Marín, O., Mass, M., Barrera Violeth, J. L., & Robles, J. (2008). Evaluation of plant extracts for controling Mycosphaerella fijiensis in plantain in Tierralta - Córdoba. Sour Topics, 13(1), 25-31.

Orlando Marín
Marelis Mass
José Luis Barrera Violeth
Juana Robles

This research was done in Tierralta – Cordoba, during semesters B 2005 and a 2006. The objective was to evaluate the biofungicidas effects of several vegetal extracts on controll ing of Mycosphaerella fijiensis in banana (Musa AAB). In order to reach it two experiments settled down, under conditions of field (Dry time and rainy time) in a design completely at random. First (2005-B) 12 treatments (seven vegetal extracts, a microbiological broth (boil), three chemistries and a witness without protection) with 5 repetitions were evaluated, being made biweekly applications and evaluations. In the second experiment (2006-A) the best treatments of the first experiment were evaluated (six vegetal extracts, biol, a chemistry (propiconazole) and a witness without protección). With weekly aspersions and evaluations. The experimental unit was composed by six plants of seven months of age (begin of beyoteo), to which the number of functional leaves was moderate to them, younger leaf becomes ill (YLI), younger leaf with symptom (YLS) and index of infection (I. I.). In the first experiment the disease showed sensitivity the vegetal extracts of Neem, Limoncillo, Salvia and Limoncillo+Neem surpassing to the witness in more of 7%. In the second experiment the vegetal extracts presented/displayed a behavior similar to propiconazole, with indices of infection between 12 and 16%, surpassing the witness in 8%. It can conclude, that in spite of the atmosphere and the increasing demand of healthy foods recognizes the biological control (Vegetal Extracts) as a strategy of fitosanitario handling

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