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Study of contamination by organochlorine pesticides in the cienaga grande waters of the low sinu river valley

Estudio de la contaminación por pesticidas organoclorados en aguas de la ciénaga grande del valle bajo del río Sinú

How to Cite
Lans, E., Marrugo Negrete, J. L., & Díaz, B. (2008). Study of contamination by organochlorine pesticides in the cienaga grande waters of the low sinu river valley. Sour Topics, 13(1), 49-56.

Edineldo Lans
José Luis Marrugo Negrete
Basilio Díaz

The geographic location of the Cienaga Grande allows the run-offs water from the sewers and natural or artificial water affluent establishing an exchange with the Sinu river in the dry and wet seasons. A considerable amount of chemical compounds are deposited in a direct and indirect way in the waters; therefore, the objective of the present work was to evaluate the contamination with organochlorines pesticides in the waters of the swamp. A Perkin Elmer Autosystem XL gas chromatograph equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD) and a RTX-1 capillary column were used to collect de data. α-BCH, β-BCH, γ-BCH, aldrin and heptachlorine epoxy were detected in the water samples. The determination coefficients (r²) were established using a certified standard pesticides mixture and was below 0.999 in all cases. The detection limit of the pesticides was established in the range from 0.003 to 0.311 µg L-1. The precision method was evaluated based on the relative standard deviation and in all cases was below 7%. The accuracy was evaluated as the recovery percentage and ranged between 72 and 98%. The study showed that all detected pesticides in every sample stations were above legal limits, according to Colombian regulations.

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