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Meloidogyne spp. associated to plantain crops (Mussa AAB) in Tierralta and Valencia (Córdoba)

Meloidogyne spp. Asociados al Cultivo de Plátano (Musa AAB) en Tierralta y Valencia (Córdoba).

How to Cite
Jaraba Navas, J. D. D., & Lozano Triviño, Z. (2008). Meloidogyne spp. associated to plantain crops (Mussa AAB) in Tierralta and Valencia (Córdoba). Sour Topics, 13(2), 36-44.

Juan De Dios Jaraba Navas
Zaida Lozano Triviño

Twenty plantain crop fields were sampled to identify Meloidogyne spp. in Tierralta and Valencia municipalities. Ten soil and root samples per field were taken to obtain the nematodes. Meloidogyne species classification was based on the perineal pattern of the female, shape of the stylet in females, males and juveniles (J2), and shape and number of rings on the cephalic region in J2 and males. Stylet length and dorsal oesophageal gland (DOG) on males, females and J2, body length, tail and hyaline tail region in J2 were measured to identify the specie of root-knot nematode. Meloidogyne spp. were found in 80% of the fields in Valencia, and 60% of the field in Tierralta. M. incognita and M. arenaria were detected. M. incognita was the most frequent species throughout the sampled area. Mixtures of both species were found in both municipalities. This is the first report of mixed M. incognita and M. arenaria associated to plantain crop in Colombia.

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