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Extraction and caracterized of yam starch and development antimicrobian edibles films

Extração e Caracterização do Amido de Inhame e Desenvolvimento de Filmes Comestíveis Antimicrobianos

How to Cite
Durango Villadiego, A. M., Soarez, N., & Andrade, N. (2009). Extraction and caracterized of yam starch and development antimicrobian edibles films. Sour Topics, 14(2), 33-42.

Alba Manuela Durango Villadiego
Nilda Soarez
Nelio Andrade

Dioscorea alata starch antimicrobial films were developed and characterized from yam starch and development. Films were prepared with 4% yam starch (p/p) + 2% glycerol (p/p), 4% yam starch (p/p) + 2% glycerol (p/p) added with 0,5, 0,75, 1,0 and 1,5 % chitosan. Films vapor permeabilities were determined. The starch showed the following characteristics: 9,3% yield, 11,57% humidity content, 0,64% proteins, 0,052% lipids, 0,17% ash, 99,17% starch and 22% amylose. The gel initial temperature was 60,3 oC and maximum viscosity temperature was 98,5 °C, showing a low tendency for retrogradation (100 UA). The 30 ± 5μm film thickness showed  transparency. The permeability values showed significant (Pr< 0,05) difference among them, vapor permeability ranged from 4,58 m-2 KPa-1 for starch-glycerol film to 3,57g mm dia-1 m-2 KPa-1 for the film containing 1,5% of chitosan + starch +glycerol. The film permeability decreased as the chitosan level in the film increased. The yam starch is a good source for production of edible film with a potential for food industry.

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