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A non-destructive sampling model for estimating leaf area in egg plant (Solanum melongena L)

Modelo para Estimación de Área Foliar en Berenjena (Solanum melongena L) Basado en Muestreo no Destructivo.

How to Cite
Cardona Ayala, C. E., Araméndiz Tatis, H., & Barrera, C. (2009). A non-destructive sampling model for estimating leaf area in egg plant (Solanum melongena L). Sour Topics, 14(2), 14-22.

Carlos Enrique Cardona Ayala
Hermes Araméndiz Tatis
Carlos Barrera

This research was done in Montería at 13 m.a.s.l., average temperature 27,4 °C, 1346.1 mm annual rainfall, 84% relative humidity and 2180,2 daily light hours annually to obtain a model to estimate plant leaf area based on a non-destructive sampling. A probability sampling procedure was used. Leaves of different sizes and stages of development were selected from the upper, middle and lower canopy of adult plants. Leaf length and width were taken at 1/5, 1/3, 1/2 y 2/3 of the leaves to identify highly related photosynthetic leaf area measures. The leaf area (Y) was measured using the weight (30 leaves sample area) per canopy. Simple linear regression models and multiple linear regression were adjusted. The simple linear regression model whose independent variable was the length leaf ( X ) was selected. The model was Y=49,10+ 8,33X, R2 =0,9605.


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