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Effect of tillage and management of organic materials on some physical and chemical properties of a vertic endoaquept at sinu valley, Córdoba Colombia

Efecto de labranza y manejo de materiales orgánicos sobre algunas propiedades físicas y químicas de un vertic endoaquept del valle del Sinú, Córdoba Colombia

How to Cite
Prieto pinzón, B., Peroza Sierra, J. A., & Grandet, G. (2010). Effect of tillage and management of organic materials on some physical and chemical properties of a vertic endoaquept at sinu valley, Córdoba Colombia. Sour Topics, 15(2), 27-36.

Bernardo Prieto pinzón
José Antonio Peroza Sierra
Garnierd Grandet

The effect of three tillage systems and three sources of organic matter on some physical and chemical properties of a Vertic Endoaquept soil, and yield corn (Zea mays L) and cotton (Gosypium hirsutum L) was evaluated. The tillage systems were: conventional, vertical till with chisel plow, and direct sowing. The sources of organic matter (MO) were crop residues (RC), RC+ poultry litter and RC+plus manure. The physical properties evaluated were: bulk density (Da), total porosity (PT), mechanical resistance to penetration of roots (RMP), saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks). Chemical properties such organic matter contents (MO), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). After two years of management, the results showed that changes produced by tillage system on the physical properties (Da, PT, RMP and Ks) were temporary, because at the end of the crops cycle significant difference were not registrated (P≥0,05). The MO increased from 2,24% to 2,67, 2,89 and 2,98% when were applied crops residues, poultry litter and manure respectively. In the same order the P increased from 25,4 ppm to 173,1, 229,9 and 202,9 ppm. Significant differences (P≤0,05) were registered in yield cotton and corn crops in the second year. In Corn, supply of poultry litter and manure yield 7450 and 7363 kg ha-1 compared to 6904 kg ha-1 with only crop residues. In cotton, the highest yields were observed with applications of poultry litter and manure with 3255 and 3131 kg ha-1 respectively. Addition of OM increased yield and the levels of OM in the soil.

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