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Products of nitrate assimilation are deposited in plants as storage proteins

Productos de la asimilación del nitrato se depositan en las plantas como proteínas de almacenamiento

How to Cite
Cordero, C., & Jarma Orozco, A. D. jesus. (2011). Products of nitrate assimilation are deposited in plants as storage proteins. Sour Topics, 16(1), 9-22.

Carina Cordero
Alfredo De jesus Jarma Orozco

Assimilation of inorganic nitrogen in ammonium form, in carbon skeletons, for amino acid production, is one of the most important biochemical processes in plants. While the products of CO2 assimilation are deposited in oligo and polysaccharides form in plants, amino acids formed as products of nitrate assimilation are stored as proteins. These are mainly storage proteins, which have not enzymatic activity, are synthesized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and often are deposited in the cell within protein bodies. According to their solubility properties, proteins can be albumins (soluble in pure water), globulins (soluble in diluted salt solutions), glutelins (soluble in alkali and acid diluted solutions) and prolamins (soluble in aqueous ethanol). However, when the protein structures were determined, glutelins and prolamins were closely related. Therefore, glutelins are considered members of the prolamins. Overall, these proteins, also have storage function in different plant species where are deposited, protect seeds from attack by insect pests and pathogens, and are completely degraded by proteinases and peptidases in the vacuole, where the released amino acids are provided as a construction material for plant germination. This review is planned to recognize the major storage proteins and their role in different plant species in which they are presented, emphasizing that the globulins are the most abundant in nature.

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