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Bioecology corn stem weevil Linogeraeus capillatus (LeConte) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in the department of Cordoba-Colombia

Bioecología del picudo del tallo del maíz Linogeraeus capillatus (LeConte) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) en el departamento de Córdoba-Colombia

How to Cite
Perez, K., Villareal, N., & Fernandez Herrera, C. (2011). Bioecology corn stem weevil Linogeraeus capillatus (LeConte) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in the department of Cordoba-Colombia. Sour Topics, 16(1), 23-35.

Karol Perez
Nelson Villareal
Claudio Fernandez Herrera

In the Colombian Caribbean has emerged Linogeraeus capillatus becoming important in the corn agroecosystem reported in the municipalities of Codazzi-Cesar in 1975, in San Onofre-Sucre and in the municipalities of Montería, Cereté, Ciénaga of Oro, San Carlos, San Pelayo, Cotorra, Lorica, Chimá in the department of Córdoba. The objective of this research was meeting its aspects bioecological covering the life cycle and morphological characterization of the instars, for this is counted 350 larvae discriminated in different instars. Newly emerged pairs were confined in entomological cages 50x50 cm completely healthy corn plants and confirmed by destructive sampling density of larvae present. Under laboratory conditions at a temperature of 29,23°C, the egg had a life period of 5,3 days, the larvae 158,2 days and the pupa 34,44 days. The number of eggs by oviposition ranges 22 to 24 eggs (4,4 to 4,8 eggs / plant), with average length of 1 mm. The larvae have five instars, which develop within the plant. Sorghum halepense weeds and Dichanthium aristatum were the main host plants for adult L. capillatus. As natural enemies of adult of L. capillatus predators were recorded in the order Araneae families represented by Dipluridae and Lycosidae, while the depredations of the larval stages the ants of the genus Solenopsis exercised.

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