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Organizations in the adoption of standards subsector horticulturein México northwest

Las organizaciones en la adopción de estándares en el subsector hortícola del noroeste de México

How to Cite
Martinez Reina, A. M., Avendaño, B., & Acosta Martinez, A. (2011). Organizations in the adoption of standards subsector horticulturein México northwest. Sour Topics, 16(1), 41-51.

Antonio Maria Martinez Reina
Belem Avendaño
Ana Acosta Martinez

The adoption of grades and standards in export markets has become widespread. Has been not defined the role of the organizations in the adoption of standards and there is not clarity of the contribution of the organizations to complete the process. The objective of this work was to identify the role of different actors in the processes of implementation and adoption of standards in horticultural producers in the northwestern region of Mexico. With the field information through an econometric estimate, a Logit model was developed that allows determining the contribution of organizations in the process of adopting standards. The work concludes that the trading houses make the biggest contribution to the adoption process with training, technical assistance and inputs financing. Producer organizations are committed in a particularly important representation in the negotiations and finally the public institutions are contributing to a lesser way with the adoption process

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