Comparison of atmospheric and vacuum frying in obtaining snack of mango (Manguifera indica L.)
Comparación de la fritura al vacío y atmosférica en la obtención de pasabocas de mango (Manguifera indica L.)

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Sensory characteristics (texture, aroma, color and taste) of mango snacks obtained at atmospheric pressure and vacuum were evaluated by a semi-trained panel. Content of vitamin C and acrylamide, were determined by VISIBLE-UV. The process conditions were: atmospheric pressure, 175ºC of temperature and 30s; 110ºC under vacuum and 90s of immersion time. Results shows that the loss of vitamin C under vacuum (43,2%) was less than half of which is lost to atmospheric pressure (93,8%) and reduced the production of acrylamide, was reduced in 83,4% under vacuum. The sensory characteristics showed a significant difference in color and flavor being better qualified the vacuum frying, although no difference to the aroma and texture. These results agreed with the values of the physic-chemical characteristics: fat reduction, moisture content and breaking force in 52,8%, 48,8% and 38,6% respectively. It was concluded that vacuum frying generates better physicchemical, sensory and nutritional characteristics than the atmospheric pressure process.
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