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Agronomic behavior of promising lines of cowpea beans Vigna unguiculata L. Walp in Sinu valley

Comportamiento agronómico de líneas promisorias de fríjol caupí Vigna unguiculata L. Walp en el Valle del Sinú

How to Cite
Aramendiz Tatis, H., & Espitia Camacho, M. (2011). Agronomic behavior of promising lines of cowpea beans Vigna unguiculata L. Walp in Sinu valley. Sour Topics, 16(2), 9-17.

Hermes Aramendiz Tatis
Miguel Espitia Camacho

The agronomic performance of 12 cowpea genotypes and the original population was evaluated in order to select genotypes with higher agronomic attributes, taking into account the agro-ecological conditions of the Sinú river valley, departament of Cordoba, Colombia. Randomized complete block design with 13 treatments and four replications was applied. Response variables were grain yield and its components. The populations together with their parents were sown in the experimental area located at the University of Cordoba in Monteria - Colombia in 2009. Analysis of variance showed significant differences (P <0,05) for the number of pods per plant, pods per meter, number of seeds per pod and grain yield, while for the seed weight differences were highly significant (P <0,01). Otherwise, the precocity has not significance. The genetic variability present in the inbred lines allows select cultivars with good agronomic attributes and excellent yields of grain to improve production levels of farmers in the Sinú valley.

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