Gibberellins and 6-Benzylaminopurine on plant seeding in hybrid tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) adrale RZ F1
Giberelinas y 6-Bencilaminopurina en la plantulación de semillas de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.) híbrido Adrale RZ F1
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In Colombia, the greenhouse tomato production has increased in recent years, nevertheless, the high cost of seeds makes necessary to implement techniques which increases the maximum quantity of germinated seeds and that the seedlings have more vigor and a good development. A completely randomized factorial experiment was conducted with two factors, the first factor corresponded to the hormone levels (GA3) and (GA4 + GA7 + 6BAP) and the second factor, the doses of the phytohormone, with four levels (0, 100, 200 and 300 mg kg-1), for a total of eight treatments with four replicates, each experimental unit consisted of 20 seeds that were planted in plots with peat as substrate. The seeds that received the application of GA3 presented significant differences with the seeds that were under the application of GA4 + GA7 + 6BAP because the seedlings had a higher fresh mass, dry mass and total height. The application of GA3 also influenced root length, but this difference was not significant. The significant effect of GA3 application on the seedling height was observed from day 11 of evaluation. The root length was affected mainly by the effect of doses, when 200 mg kg-1 of GA3 was applied, it showed the highest values. The dose of 200 mg kg-1 of GA3 makes the tomato seedlings more vigorous.
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