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Effectiveness of the implementation of coffee wastewater biosupplies in productivity of vegetables

Efectividad de la aplicación de bioinsumo de aguas residuales de café en productividad de hortalizas

How to Cite
Bolaños, E. A., Muelas, M., Mejía, L., & Trochez, T. (2013). Effectiveness of the implementation of coffee wastewater biosupplies in productivity of vegetables. Sour Topics, 18(1), 41-48.

Eyvar Andres Bolaños
Martha Muelas
Lorena Mejía
Tatiana Trochez

Colombia’s coffee is characterized by its organoleptic quality, but the humid beneficiary process constitutes a problem because of the amount of water used and the pollution generated by products as solid waste and wastewater, creating ecological imbalances and health problems. This project was intended to test the effectiveness of the wastewater treated with coffee leachate from coffee pulp inoculated with efficient microorganisms (EM), used as biosupplie for the production of radish Raphanus sativus and cucumber Cucumis sativus. Some tests were carried out to evaluate the appropriate biosupplie volumetric dosage that presents the best productivity rates in radish. Five treatments with three repetitions were made. Once the ideal dosage was determined, it was compared with a synthetic chemical fertilizer in an experiment of three treatments and three repetitions in cucumber. The results show that the most suitable dosage of wastewater treated with ME as biosupplie to be used in radish and cucumber was 30 cm3 L-1; likewise, significant differences in cucumber production when compared the biosupplie with control group were found. It is expected that the use of efficient microorganisms could be an environmentally sustainable alternative for decontamination of water and improving the agricultural productivity

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