Evaluation of bioproducts fitomas E and dimabac in the tomato crop
Evaluación de los bioproductos dimabac y fitomas E en el cultivo del tomate
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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of bioproducts DIMABAC and FitoMas E on the cultivation of tomato in Red Ferralitic soil conditions. The research was conducted at the ¨Liliana Dimitrova ¨ Horticultural Research Institute (IIHLD), Cuba, during two seasons (2009 – 2010 and 2010 – 2011). Seven treatments, including the combination of DIMABAC and FitoMas E with two levels of nitrogen fertilization, were distributed with a randomized block design with three replicates, vegetative growth, morphological and production were evaluated. DIMABAC and biostimulant FitoMas E plus 70% of nitrogen fertilizer induced the highest values of vegetative growth, morphology and production, N supply was reduced by 30% thereby constituting an alternative for the mineral nutrition management of tomato cultivation
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