Biomass incorporation on a vertisol soil and its relationship with the compaction density
Incorporación de biomasa en un suelo vertisol y su relación con la densidad de compactación

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A compacted soil is a sign of degradation of its soil physical properties that affect plant growth. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of biomass incorporation on soil compaction in a livestock farm. A Vertisol soil in Sincelejo (Sucre) was used. Soil physical properties such as texture, real density and bulk density, maximum densities of compaction and moisture content at maximum densities of compaction were assessed. Correlation analysis was used to determine the relationship between soil organic matter, maximum densities and soil moisture. A randomized complete block design, with three repetitions, was used to determine the soil maximum density and the critical soil moisture. A 2X4 factorial treatment arrangement design was used, with two types of biomass (dry and wet) and four amount of organic matter. The soil maximum density under natural conditions (without incorporation of organic matter) was 1,421 g cm-3 with soil moisture of 26,573%. When 20 Mg ha-1 of wet or dry biomass were added to the soil, the soil maximum density and soil moisture reached values of 1,406 g cm-3 and 28,074% and 1,379 g cm-3 and 26,833%, respectively. There was a significant difference between the amount and type of organic matter added to the soil related to the soil máximum density. Incorporation of biomass to the soil used in this study helped to decline the soil maximum densities and increased soil moisture
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