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Changes physical-chemical of avocado (Persea americana Mill. cv. “Hass”) in postharvest for two municipalities of Antioquia

Cambios físico-químicos del aguacate (persea americana mill. cv. “hass”) en poscosecha para dos municipios de antioquia

How to Cite
Márquez, C., Yepes, D., Sanchez, L., & Osorio, J. (2016). Changes physical-chemical of avocado (Persea americana Mill. cv. “Hass”) in postharvest for two municipalities of Antioquia. Sour Topics, 19(1), 32-47.

Carlos Márquez
Diana Yepes
Laura Sanchez
Jairo Osorio

Physiological and physico chemical characteristics of avocados (Persea americana Mill. Cv. “Hass”) grown in the municipalities of Carmen de Viboral and El Retiro located in Antioquia (Colombia) are unknown, that is why the objective of this research was to characterize the properties for fruits from this regions, the avocados were stored for 21 days at 23°C and 65% RH. The physiological parameters evaluated were: the respiration rate and physiological weight loss, physicochemical characteristics were also evaluated as changes in color L*, a* and b*, firmness, yield pulp fruit, moisture content, dry matter, total soluble solids (TSS), Total titratable acidity, pH, and lipid content. It could be established that the respiration rate of avocado fruits is typical of monophasic climateric products, presenting a climacteric peak for the day 8 postharvest, this probably is the cause of the cascade of events characteristic of the ripening, with changes in the TSS, which were 2.45 for the postharvest day 14, the total acidity decreased between days 1 to 10 from 0.25 to 0.18%, and the firmness presented a continuous decrease from 67 Newton for day 1 to 7.7 for day 14 in postharvest, also it could be established a concentration of the lipid fraction of 24% and 22.5% for avocados harvested in the Carmen de Viboral and El Retiro.

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