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Simultaneous biosorption of lead and cadmium from aqueos solution by fungal biomass Penicillium sp.

Biosorción simultanea de plomo y cadmio en solución acuosa por biomasa de hongos penicillium sp.

How to Cite
Sánchez, J., Marrugo Negrete, J. L., & Urango, I. (2016). Simultaneous biosorption of lead and cadmium from aqueos solution by fungal biomass Penicillium sp. Sour Topics, 19(1), 63-72.

Juan Sánchez
José Luis Marrugo Negrete
Iván Urango

The discharge of metals in the environment generates significant impacts on human health and the life cycles of living organisms. Some microorganisms are known for their high adsorption capacity for metals, including fungi. The aim of this study was to evaluate the remotion capacity of Pb (II) and Cd (II) in aqueous solutions with Penicillium sp. fungi, isolating the soil fungal strain of the Alacrán Mine (Cordoba-Colombia) and determining the influence of the removal on the variables pH, metal concentration and temperature, analyzing the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms, verifying the functional groups involved in the adsorption by infrared analysis (IR)., to potential their use in wastewater treatment. Analyses were conducted using Thermo Scientific equipment, atomic absorption ICE model 3000 Series and FT- IR Nicolet IS5 spectrophotometer. Quality control was performed for metal analysis with reference material SRM 1643e. The results indicate that to the concentration of 51.5 mg L-1 showed higher removal percentages for 0.5 g of biomass. The maximum adsorption occurred at acidic pH (4-5), 60 °C and 2g of biomass, achieving removals of 92.4 % for Pb and 80% for Cd. Isotherm analyzes best fit the model Langmuir. IR analysis shows -OH, -NH, C-N, C-H, N-H, C=O, amide I and amide II and polysaccharides, attributing this attraction in metals and fungal biomass.

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