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Eeffect of noncaloric sweeteners on the development of blackberry (Rubus glaucus Benth) jam

Efecto de edulcorantes no calóricos sobre el desarrollo de mermelada de mora (Rubus glaucus Benth)

How to Cite
Márquez, C., Caballero, B., & Vanegas, K. (2016). Eeffect of noncaloric sweeteners on the development of blackberry (Rubus glaucus Benth) jam. Sour Topics, 21(2), 32-39.

Carlos Márquez
Birina Caballero
Katherin Vanegas

low calorie blackberry jams (Rubus glaucus Benth) were developed using non-caloric sweeteners. An experimental randomized complete block design with 6 treatments and 4 replicates was used. pH, acidity, total soluble solids (TSS), texture, browning index (BI) and organoleptic characteristics were evaluated, the caloric content was calculated for each treatment. The methodology followed the Colombian Technical Standard (NTC 285). Jams with sucrose and pectin served as control, whereas treatments were made with stevia and sucralose and agar - agar as gelling. The pH of treatments presented a value below the minimum established by the standard NTC 285 and also the acidity. The TSS control were consistent with those recommended by the CODEX STAN 296-2009. For all treatments with non-caloric sweeteners and combinations the TSS were lower compared to the control; the texture presented no significant difference between treatments and control with a confidence level of 95%, sensory analysis for treatments sucrose and stevia (t4) and sucrose and sucralose (t)5 showed greater acceptance and no significant differences with the control. The caloric reduction was 91.03%, 91.02%, sucralose 90.90%, for treatments stevia (t3), stevia and sucralose (t6), and sucralose (t2), respectively, relative to control. The study concluded that the t2, t3 and t6 treatments are low-calorie products and that t5 and t4 were the most widely accepted.


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