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Colonization of arbuscular mycorrhizas fungi in three species of pastures of the department of Sucre

Colonización de micorrizas arbusculares en tres especies de pasturas del departamento de Sucre

How to Cite
Pérez, A., Cury, K., & Oviedo, L. (2016). Colonization of arbuscular mycorrhizas fungi in three species of pastures of the department of Sucre. Sour Topics, 21(2), 65-75.

Alexander Pérez
Katia Cury
Luis Oviedo

The present study was conducted during the second semester of 2015 in livestock farms of five locations of the Department of Sucre, established with pastures colosuana (Bothrichloa pertusa (L) to. Camus), angleton (Dichanthium aristatum, Benth) and mombaza (Panicum maximum Jacq), with the objective of evaluate colonization of mycorrhizal arbuscular fungi (AMF) in roots of these pastures. Sampling was done randomly in each livestock farm, gathering at the same time samples of soil and roots, which were used for the determination of the infection percentage using technique of staining of roots by AMF. Results show that the infection percentages were 52,73% in the colosoana pasture and 50,46% for angleton, being statistically similar; while mombasa grass had less colonization 40,92%. The highest value of AMF colonization corresponded by locality to Chapinero 70,06% and minors for Cantagallo 37.06% and Mamon 32.7%. The present study confirmed the presence of AMF in three species of pastures of economic interest for livestock farming in the Department of Sucre. Likewise, the colonization of’ roots AMF depended on the type of pasture and the locality.


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