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Effect to early pruning of lateral shoots at the beginning of the papaya Tainung 1 flowering

Poda temprana de brotes laterales en el inicio de la floración de papaya Tainung 1

How to Cite
Hoyos, J., & Hurtado Salazar, A. (2017). Effect to early pruning of lateral shoots at the beginning of the papaya Tainung 1 flowering. Sour Topics, 22(2), 54-60.

Jeronimo Hoyos
Alejandro Hurtado Salazar

The cultivation of papaya is mainly managed based on the traditional knowledge of the farmers, because the research in physiological aspects is scarce and there is no scientific information about the effect of the early pruning in the flowering. Pruning of lateral shoots usually takes place between 55 and 70 days after transplantation, when the first floral bud emerges, losing photoasimilates in the shoots in the first few days after the transplant. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of early pruning at the beginning of flowering of the Tainung 1 papaya. The study was carried out in the municipality of Caicedonia (Valle del Cauca). Planting distances were 2.5 m between furrows and 2 m between plants, treatments were with and without stripping. The experimental design was completely randomized. The experimental unit consisted of 20 plants, with four replicates. The variables evaluated were the height of the first floral bud, stem diameter, plant height, number of leaves and time of appearance of the
first floral bud. The variables height of the appearance of the first floral bud, the time elapsed for the appearance of the first bud and height of the plant presented highly significant differences (p<0.05) when the pruning was performed early. Obtaining a better behavior of the papaya with pruning, with reduction of the variables in the time of appearance of the flower buds (precocity), and height of the plant, which favors the process of production of the crop.

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