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Gibberellic acid efect on growing, quality and yielding of tomato plants under controlled conditions

Efecto del ácido giberélico en el crecimiento, rendimiento y calidad del tomate bajo condiciones controladas

How to Cite
Serna, A., Hurtado Salazar, A., & Ceballos Aguirre, N. (2017). Gibberellic acid efect on growing, quality and yielding of tomato plants under controlled conditions. Sour Topics, 22(2), 70-79.

Ariel Serna
Alejandro Hurtado Salazar
Nelson Ceballos Aguirre

This study aims at evaluating the effect of gibberellic acid (AG3) on tomato development, yield and quality under controlled conditions. The study was carried out in the Granja Tesorito property of the University of Caldas located in the municipality of Manizales (Colombia). The experimental design was randomized completely (DCA) with a 2x4 factorial arrangement with two hybrids ("Alboran" and "Torrano") and four concentrations of gibberellic acid (AG3) (0, 50, 100 and 150 ppm), with 4 replicates and as an experimental unit 9 plants were evaluated per replicate. The variables evaluated were: height (cm), appearance of the last flower (days), number of clusters, length of internodes (cm), yield, quality production and losses in kg ha-1. The results showed an inverse relation between the yield and days at the last bloom for both hybrids at the evaluated concentrations of AG3, where the "Alboran" milano hybrid at concentrations of 0 ppm showed the highest production with 19660,1 kg ha-1, and the highest time to last bloom with 98 days. Similar behavior of the "Torrano" hybrid at a concentration of 0 ppm was found, yielded a superior yield with 16261.8 kg ha-1 and 98 days at last flowering. The hormone application concentrations evaluated in the present study showed a detrimental effect on yield and crop quality.

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