Peer evaluation process
The editorial committee of the Assensus journal receives research articles that are subjected to review by academic peers in accordance with the categories established by Colciencias. Each issue will include at least 50% of research articles, which are linked to research projects of students and researchers in the network of state universities of the Colombian Caribbean, as well as articles derived from national or international research.
-The Assensus journal will be able to publish students, professors, researchers and professionals from the educational sciences and related fields of interest in the scopes of educational and pedagogical research.
- The study and selection of the articles sent by the collaborators to be sent to evaluators and subsequent publication will be the responsibility of the Editorial Committee.
- The reception of a work does not imply an obligation of its publication, nor commitment with respect to its publication date.
- The opinions expressed by the articles do not necessarily reflect the ideology of the Editorial Committee, they are the strict responsibility of their authors. The position of the Masters’ Degree in Education in face of the diversity of educational topics of interest will be expressed on its editorial page.
- The articles must be original and unpublished, they must not have been previously published, nor must they be simultaneously submitted for consideration for their publication before other journals.
- The Editorial Committee will reserve the right to make the editorial corrections to the articles received that, in its opinion, are necessary for the publication.
-The Assensus journal publishes its digital content in open mode and full text, to promote socialization, visibilty, the exchange of knowledge and free access to the results of research.
Preliminary Evaluation Process
The first stage of the evaluation process consists of the Editorial Team reviewing articles’ editorial quality. To do so, the team reviews articles’ form, confirming that they comply with Assensus’s article submission rules.
If errors are found, authors will be informed and the work will be returned to them for correction. If authors do not return it with the corrections, the article will be rejected. If the authors return it with corrections and it is approved by the Editorial Team, the text will move on to the content peer review stage. Successful completion of the first stage does NOT indicate that the article has been accepted for publication.
The election of the evaluators for each work is carried out by the Editorial Committee according to the content of the document. The referees evaluate the articles under the double-blind system.
The evaluators must be aware of the editorial policies, norms and requirements of the journal. They must also completely review the writings subject to their circumspection and propose, through the report of their assessment, the suggestions and corrections that are deemed necessary, in accordance with the requirements, thus, verifying strict compliance with the standards in the works submitted for its consideration.
The evaluators will review and anonymously establish compliance with the requirements to dictate:
a) if there is merit without corrections for the publication of the article,
b) if the article is accepted prior compliance with the proposed corrections,
c) if the article does not meet the requirements to be accepted.
The estimated time for an article to be evaluated and published in Assensus, is an average of four (4) months.
Evaluation Forms