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Robotik@, a strategy to motivate students to choose engineering careers.

Robotik@, a strategy to motivate students to choose engineering careers.

Cómo citar
Rios, N., Payares, D., Meza L, A., Hernández, J. D., & Baldiris, S. (2018). Robotik@, a strategy to motivate students to choose engineering careers. Ingeniería E Innovación, 6(1), 7-12.

Natividad Rios
Daissy Payares
Alisawer Meza L
Juan D. Hernández
Silvia Baldiris

Natividad Rios,

Mg. Docente, I.E. Reino de Bélgica, Medellín, Colombia

Daissy Payares,

Mg.’s, Docentes, I.E. Soledad Román de Núñez, Cartagena, Colombia. (*) Cra.57 #30D-47 Escallón Villa, (+57)3008437639, (57) (5) 6928014.

Alisawer Meza L,

Mg.’s, Docentes, I.E. Soledad Román de Núñez, Cartagena, Colombia. (*) Cra.57 #30D-47 Escallón Villa, (+57)3008437639, (57) (5) 6928014.

Juan D. Hernández,

PhD., Docente, Underwater Vision and Robotics Research Centre (CIRS), Universitat de Girona, España.

Silvia Baldiris,

Ph. D., Docente, Fundación Universitaria Tecnológico Comfenalco, (Cartagena, Colombia) y Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (Logroño, España).

Educational robotics is a demonstrated didactical strategy that motivates students to consider engineering careers and benefits both their professional development as well as the learning process. This paper shows an experience carried out in the city of Cartagena de Indias (Colombia) that includes training teachers and facilitating them to take into consideration teaching educational robotics in the secondary school curriculum. The teachers’ training was based on the use of ROBOTREINO, an OER intended to be an educational resource for teachers that introduces them to the world of Educational Robotics. After the training, teachers were able to offer secondary education students a learning experience called ROBOTIK@ based on the use of mobile robots in the field of physics.  The experience shows promising results.

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