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A review of the strategies and activities in class under the invested learning approach.

Una Revisión a las estrategias y actividades en clase bajo el enfoque de aprendizaje invertido

How to Cite
Sinisterra Rodríguez, M. M. (2019). A review of the strategies and activities in class under the invested learning approach. Ingeniería E Innovación, 7(2), 9.

Mónica María Sinisterra Rodríguez, PhD (c)

Mónica María Sinisterra Rodríguez, PhD (c),

Profesora Tiempo Completo Departamento de Ciencias Económicas Universidad del Cauca. Doctora en Políticas Públicas, CIDE. Agradezco los comentarios de colegas y profesores y la retroalimentación obtenida en el Diplomado de Innovaciones Pedagógicas del proyecto Innovación Cauca, Universidad del Cauca.

Overcoming boredom in classes and allowing an active participation of the student is a primary educational objective especially as invested learning (inverted classroom). However, the success in the implementation of this approach is subordinated to the set of activities in the classroom that the teacher prepared previously, which must allow sufficient motivation in the student to produce meaningful learning. Through a pedagogical strategy type of use use of the application Anki shows how the learning experience can be improved through an activity that combines, self-motivation and demonstration, key elements for a significant learning environment.

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