Supporting language learning processes in Young people with cognitive disabilities through the development of an interactive mobile aplication
Apoyando los Procesos de Aprendizaje del Lenguaje en Jóvenes en Situación de Discapacidad Cognitiva Mediante el Desarrollo de Aplicación Móvil Interactiva
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The main purpose of this study is to support young people with cognitive disabilities in the process of learning the language and social skills of children, through the design and implementation of a mobile and interactive application, which had the participation active teachers and parents; This application includes a set of activities with a metacognitive approach associated with the identification of vowels, videos of facial praxis that serve as exercises for the development of speech, in addition, it includes a set of animal sounds so that the student can identify them. Likewise, it incorporates a set of images linked to fruits so that the student completes the information and this is registered in the application, in addition to all the previous modules, it has evaluation mechanisms to assess the learning of the students and thus be able to determine the contribution to the educational process.
The results obtained from the application in a test scenario in the Julio Cesar Miranda Educational Institution, headquarters, Corazón de Jesús in the Municipality of San Antero, show the potential of the tool as support to the training processes, due to the motivation of students and the facilities it offers when comparisons were made between the traditional way of teaching the language and the use of the application.
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