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Agroingenius Juego Serio Para La Formación En Prevención Y Control De Riesgos Laborales En Las Unidades De Producción Agropecuaria Del Departamento De Córdoba

AGROINGENIUS Juego Serio Para La Formación En Prevención Y Control De Riesgos Laborales En Las Unidades De Producción Agropecuaria Del Departamento De Córdoba

How to Cite
Ramos, M. F., Plaza, M. T., & Hernández Riaño, H. (2023). Agroingenius Juego Serio Para La Formación En Prevención Y Control De Riesgos Laborales En Las Unidades De Producción Agropecuaria Del Departamento De Córdoba. Ingeniería E Innovación, 10(2).

María Fernanda Ramos
María Trinidad Plaza
Helman Hernández Riaño

María Fernanda Ramos

Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad de Córdoba Para todos los autores

María Trinidad Plaza

Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad de Córdoba Para todos los autores

Helman Hernández Riaño

In this study, the "AGROINGENIUS" game was created to determine how to influence the training of workers in the Agricultural Production (PA) in the Córdoba Department to prevent and control occupational risks in their work environments. The purpose of the quantitative study is descriptive and correlational the information obtained about the workers based on the relationship between the use of a game and the academic performance of the PA workers. For this, a quasi-experimental design pretest and posttest apply to 60 workers classified into two groups, control and experimental. The "Agroingenius," game complements the master occupational health and safety (OSH) training class. As a result, there were no statistically significant differences between "Agroingenius" and the master class, both groups were in similar initial conditions. They presented an increase in their academic performance. In general terms, "Agroingenius" had a great reception by the workers, reflected in the skills and knowledge in OSH that they potentiated from the experiences learned in the game.

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