Didactic strategies for the construction of a hygienic culture in educational communities of initial education
Estrategias didácticas para la construcción de una cultura higiénica en comunidades educativas de educación inicial
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The research work in educational communities of initial education is presented through an extensive bibliographic review, in 2022 in order to implement strategies to strengthen the habits of hygienic culture. Hygiene habits are related to the first stage of the child's development. They look at the early basic needs because it is the right stage for the development and formation of certain qualities making it necessary to create skills that enable the adoption of actions that will become habits. Cleanliness is essential to avoid or combat alterations in the body that give rise to pathologies caused by germs or bacteria that hurt the human body causing the person to have dermis or gastrointestinal diseases.Throughout the arrival of children at school, in their first years of life, the teacher should promote sovereignty in the practice of their occupations that will govern their daily lives, with cleaning being one of the most relevant pieces in the purchase of this.
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