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Process Of Reading Writing And Its Influence On The Integral Formation Of Children In Initial Education.

Proceso De Lecto Escritura Y Su Influencia En La Formación Integral De Los Niños En Educación Inicial

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Barraza Sarmiento, D. M., Villalba Atencia, A. ., Oyaga Martínez, R. F. ., Venegas Polo, M. ., & Ortiz Padilla, M. L. . (2023). Process Of Reading Writing And Its Influence On The Integral Formation Of Children In Initial Education . Ingeniería E Innovación, 11(2).

Danitza Marcela Barraza Sarmiento,
Angelica Villalba Atencia
Rafael Fernando Oyaga Martínez
Marco Venegas Polo
Martha Luz Ortiz Padilla

Rafael Fernando Oyaga Martínez,

Doctor en ciencias de la Educación, Docente /grupo INGLEX/Facultad de Educación Universidad del Atlántico

Martha Luz Ortiz Padilla

Magíster en desarrollo social, Docente /grupo INGLEX/Facultad de Educación Universidad del Atlántico, Barranquilla

This article presents a problem regarding the reading and writing process and the deficiency observed in the early education panorama in rural contexts.

We observe that children arrive at primary school with many deficiencies in the development of reading and writing and therefore many other difficulties begin here in their learning processes in general and that limit and hinder a good development of the other areas.

The proposed objective was based on the strengthening of reading and writing through playful strategies that facilitate learning in a fun way and without pressure, since observing the development of these in the classroom it was noticed that children did not respond effectively to traditional methods that were being carried out.

For this reason, we executed these processes based on three successful educational strategies which were: interactive groups, literary dialogic gatherings and the extension of learning time through which we were able to speed up and advance a lot in the development of reading, writing and communication skills.

We reinforced these processes taking into account the principles proposed in the development of these strategies such as the dialogic approach, from a perspective of equality, participation, collaborative work, strengthening the interaction of children with the surrounding community groups and the recognition of cultural identity.

The application of these strategies allowed a significant progress in overcoming the difficulties that were presented and a great motivation to exercise reading and advance in their different levels of comprehension.


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