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Software for the extraction of bibliographic information registered in CvLAC and GrupLAC applied in the Department of Cauca

Software for the extraction of bibliographic information registered in CvLAC and GrupLAC applied in the Department of Cauca

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Mosquera-Perdomo, A., Salazar Galindez , J., Ramirez-Gonzalez, G., & Figueroa, C. (2023). Software for the extraction of bibliographic information registered in CvLAC and GrupLAC applied in the Department of Cauca. Ingeniería E Innovación, 11(2), 21.

Alexander Mosquera-Perdomo
Jarby Salazar Galindez
Gustavo Ramirez-Gonzalez
Cristhian Figueroa

Alexander Mosquera-Perdomo

University of Cauca, Faculty of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering, Popayán, Colombia

Jarby Salazar Galindez

University of Cauca, Faculty of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering, Popayán, Colombia

Gustavo Ramirez-Gonzalez

Telmatics Engineering Doctor of Philosophy, University of Cauca, Professor, Faculty of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering, Popayán, Colombia

Cristhian Figueroa

Telmatics Engineering Doctor of Philosophy, University of Cauca, Professor, Faculty of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering, Popayán, Colombia

The access and use of bibliographic information from scientific activity in Colombian territories is of vital importance to know the impact, productivity, collaboration and evolution of regional and national research. However, this information is presented in a static and unstructured manner in the official national platforms available for this purpose, thus limiting its analysis for the strategic decision making by the actors in the science, technology and innovation environment. This research proposes a tool for extracting, structuring and persisting data registered by researchers and research groups in the Colombian territories. It is aimed to improve the efficiency and ease of access to bibliographic data in order to support stakeholders. As methodology, an adaptation of the Project Management Body of Knowledge was used, defining phases of analysis, design, coding and evaluation during the development of the software. The results obtained allowed to successfully verify and validate the system, to point out both disparities and contrasts with respect to the statistics offered by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, to acquire multiple organized data sets about scientific activity in Cauca, and to offer a tool for obtaining more data sets from other departments of the country. Finally, it is important to emphasize that this tool seeks to contribute to the incentive, strengthening and reliability of future analysis and conclusions in research work or decision-making by individuals and entities related to the subject.

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