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The Impact of artificial intelligence on university education

El impacto de la inteligencia artificial en la educación universitaria

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Sanchez Ramos, P. A., & Jaimes Villamizar, A. G. (2024). The Impact of artificial intelligence on university education. Ingeniería E Innovación, 12(1).

Pedro Alirio Sanchez Ramos
Andrés Guillermo Jaimes Villamizar

Artificial intelligence has experienced exponential growth in recent years, to the point where it now interferes in the educational field, modifying the pedagogy used by students when developing their activities. The aim of this work is to analyze the ethical behavior and proper use of new artificial intelligence technologies within the university field. A qualitative investigation was conducted based on 40 research articles from various databases to strengthen knowledge about the use and impact of artificial intelligence, which has become indispensable like many technologies that were once emerging. The conclusion is to understand the background, highlight the benefits of its use in higher education, and how to apply it through various recommended applications.

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