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Statistical model for estimation of leaf area in stevia rebaudiana bertoni in the mid Sinu valley

Modelo estadístico para estimación del área foliar en Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni en el Sinú medio

How to Cite
Espitia Camacho, M. M., Montoya Báez, R. Ángel, Robles, J., Barbosa, C., & Vergara, C. (2006). Statistical model for estimation of leaf area in stevia rebaudiana bertoni in the mid Sinu valley. Sour Topics, 11(2), 45-51.

Miguel Mariano Espitia Camacho
Rafael Ángel Montoya Báez
Juana Robles
Carolina Barbosa
Cesar Vergara

The Stevia rebaudiana Bert is one of the more important plant sweetener, their leaves beside the photosynthetic organs, are commercially important as source of stevioside and rebaudioside. The present study was aimed to fit a statistical model to measure Stevia leaf area (Af ) using non destructive sampling methods. Plants from Morita1 and Morita2 cultivars were evaluated under field conditions. 20 branches (25 cm length) were randomly selected and each branch was segmented in three thirds: low, medium and high. Five samples consisting of 20 leaves were isolated from each section and maximum wide and length was estimated for each leaf sample. Using a gravimetric method, multiple linear regression analyses were performed to define the prediction model for Af . The results showed that maximum leaf length and wide are accurate measures to estimate Stevia Af . The resulting models for Morita1 and Morita2, were respectively; which allow estimation of plant leaf area and crop leaf area, avoiding physical removal of leaves and subsequent yield losses

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