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Nutrient extraction from mango cv. Tommy Atkins in Entisols and Inceptisols soils of the department of Tolima, Colombia.

Extracción de nutrientes del mango cv. Tommy Atkins en suelos Entisoles e Inceptisoles del departamento del Tolima, Colombia.

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Yacomelo Hernández, M. J. ., Abaunza González, C. A. ., Polanco Diaz, E., Arenas-Rubio, I. ., Correa Álvarez, E. M. ., & Jaramillo Bonilla, S. (2021). Nutrient extraction from mango cv. Tommy Atkins in Entisols and Inceptisols soils of the department of Tolima, Colombia. Sour Topics, 26(2), 117-128. (Original work published 2022)

Marlon José Yacomelo Hernández
Carlos Alberto Abaunza González
Eliseo Polanco Diaz
Isueh Arenas-Rubio
Ender Manuel Correa Álvarez
Sair Jaramillo Bonilla

Mango cv. Tommy Atkins is mainly grown in the department of Tolima, a place where it expresses its best agronomic behavior and quality of the fruit. The objective was to evaluate the nutritional status of the plants and quantify the extraction of nutrients by plants of Tommy Atkins mango fruit based on the soil order where is grown. The concentrations of each nutrient varied between samples and organ phases (leaves, flower, and fruit) depending on the order of the soil where it is cultivated (Entisol and Inceptisol). The highest extraction per one thousand kg of harvested fruit was potassium (K) followed by nitrogen (N) in the three phases independently evaluated of the soil order (K, Entisol, E2 = 2.39 kg t-1, E3 = 2 , 07 kg t-1 and E4 = 2.00 kg t-1; Inceptisol E2 = 2. 58 kg t-1, E3 = 2.40 kg t-1 and E4 = 2.05 kg t-1; N, Entisol, E2 = 1.56 kg t-1, E3 = 1.65 kg t-1, E4 = 1.46 kg t-1 and Inceptisol E2 = 1.52 kg t-1, E3 = 1.01 kg t-1 and E4 = 1.69 kg t-1). The total extraction of nutrients by mango cv. Tommy Atkins, for one thousand kg of harvested fruit was close to 4.3 kg of nutrients in soils of the Entisol order and 4.5 kg of nutrients in soils of the Inceptisol order. The extraction order was K> N> P> Ca> Mg> S.

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