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Morphological characterization of the eggplant (Solanum melongena. L.)

Caracterización morfológica de la berenjena (Solanum melongena. L.)

How to Cite
Aramendiz Tatiz, H., Robles, J., Cardona, C., Llano, J., & Arzuaga, E. (2006). Morphological characterization of the eggplant (Solanum melongena. L.). Sour Topics, 11(1), 5-14.

Hermes Aramendiz Tatiz
Juana Robles
Carlos Cardona
Juan Llano
Eliana Arzuaga

Plant genetic resources are very important for regions to solve hungry and poverty problems. Based on IPGRI descriptors, 13 cultivars of eggplant from Taiwan (Solanum melongena L.) were morphologically characterized considering 12 economically important characters (9 qualitative and 3 quantitative) on a 5 full competence plant sample for each cultivar. A multiple correspondence and an ascendant hierarchical classification, based on Ward method, were performed on the data. Three axes that explain 49.67% of the genetic variability based on Ward method were found. The first axe accounted for 19.02%, the second one for 17.66% and the third one for 13%. Five genotypic classes were identified: I with short caliz fruits accounts for 46.15% of the accessions; II with no spines on caliz and leaves, grouped 23% of the accessions; class III with long fruits; while class IV has fruits with short caliz; class V grouped 15.4 of the accessions characterized for having non agronomically important characteristics. Accessions in general have good agronomic characters to be considered in an eggplant breeding program.

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