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Temporal behavior of male cattle levant price in Sincelejo

Comportamiento temporal de los precios del ganado macho de levante de primera en Sincelejo

How to Cite
Castillo Núñez, O. E. (2007). Temporal behavior of male cattle levant price in Sincelejo. Sour Topics, 12(1), 22-36.

Omar Enrique Castillo Núñez

This article shows the price temporal behavior of male cattle livestock in Sincelejo marketed by cattle auctions. Technical statistical such as mobile average multiplicative, growth rate and autoregressive conditional heteroskesdasticity models are applied to prices from 1996 to 2006. The results showed that seasonal and cyclical patterns are present in the monthly price behavior. The weekly price of age 1 and 1¼ year old showed evidence of volatility, 1½ had changed within stable range.

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