Determination of the chemical, physical and organoleptic characteristics of gooseberry fruit (Phyllanthus acidus L)
Determinación de las características químicas, físicas y organolépticas del fruto de grosella (Phyllanthus acidus L.)
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Gooseberry (Phyllanthus ácidus) is a sour fruit, suitable for processing due to its physical-chemical characteristics such as pH, acidity and total solids. Information about gooseberry is scarce and with the purpose to improve this item, the present work was done aimed to characterize gooseberry fruit at six maturation stages (E1, E2, E3, E4, E5 and E6). Samples were randomly taken, and physical, chemical and organoleptic characteristics determined in order to establish the processing possibilities. Acidity ranged between 2.127 and 2.531, pH values were 2.959 to 3.276, °Brix between 5.915 and 7.44. Based on a hedonic it was found that fruit flavor is preferred in state E3 (97%) but dislikes in E6 (99%), aroma was preferred (88%, it likes moderately with 81% and it likes lightly with 80%. The results show the gooseberry is an alternative to produce nectars and marmalades, pulp and candies
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