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Price of fat and young cattle in Córdoba departament, Colombia: a cointegraton exercise

Precios de ganado bovino cebado y de levante en Córdoba, Colombia: un ejercicio de cointegración

How to Cite
Castillo Nuñez, O., & Serpa, M. (2010). Price of fat and young cattle in Córdoba departament, Colombia: a cointegraton exercise. Sour Topics, 15(2), 37-45.

Omar Castillo Nuñez
Malvin Serpa

The objective of this study was to establish relations between the prices of fatten and rise livestock, both males and females. Using prices data proceeding from seven cattle auctions in Cordoba Department and applying techniques of econometrics time series on these. The data reveal that there are long term relationships that govern the behavior of prices. If the price of fatten cattle female increase 1%, the price of the male fatten and raise livestock increase approximately 1,1%, and the price of the female rise livestock in 0,71%. The causality relationship between prices is unidirectional: the price of female fatten cattle acts as a price leader, causing changes in other prices as he evolves independently, according to Granger causality.

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