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Determinants of technical efficiency bean farm located in Portuguese, Venezuela

Determinantes de la eficiencia tecnica de explotaciones de frijol ubicadas en portuguesa, venezuela

How to Cite
Márquez, T., Velásquez, A., Flores, J., Flores, S., & Garzón, H. (2013). Determinants of technical efficiency bean farm located in Portuguese, Venezuela. Sour Topics, 18(2), 67-82.

Trifina Márquez
Adelis Velásquez
José Flores
Sandra Flores
Hernando Garzón

It was evaluated the technical efficiency of farms with bean production located in The Palaciera Sector, municipality of San Genaro Boconoito, Portuguesa State, Venezuela. From the sample of 30 farms was collected through questionnaires, information from five inputs and one product, corresponding to the crop planted in 2010, as well as socio-economic and geospatial variables. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method was used with a product-oriented model. According to the results, on average, the overall technical efficiency (GTE) was 81.2%, disaggregated into pure technical efficiency (PTE) of 86.0% and a scale efficiency (SE) of 95.1%. The inefficiencies caused by the technology are higher than those generated by a sice or scale of sub optimal production. According to the plan's goals formulated for the sample of farm, aggregated production of beans can increase from 234.970 kg to 289.200 kg, representing an increase of 54.230 kg (23.1%) without increasing the amount of input current applied. The socioeconomic variables and those of geospatial type not determined the levels of technical efficiency of the farms.

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