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Physicochemical, sensory, proximal and microbiological characteristics of yoghurt with chocolate in refrigeration

Características fisicoquímicas, sensoriales, proximales y microbiológicas de un yogur con chocolate en refrigeración

How to Cite
Parra, R. (2014). Physicochemical, sensory, proximal and microbiological characteristics of yoghurt with chocolate in refrigeration. Sour Topics, 19(2), 146-158.

Ricardo Parra

A growing body of evidence suggests that regular consumption of cocoa products or the use of active ingredients as therapeutic agents could favorably influence the fight against disease such as atherosclerosis, carcinogenic processes, cholesterol etc. This is due to the own nutritional components of the chocolate, which exert positive effects on the human body. Therefore it is important to diversify the consumption of chocolate through other products that are in high demand in the market. The objective of this research was manufacturing a yogurt with chocolate and evaluate the physicochemical, sensory and microbiological characteristics proximal during refrigerated storage. To perform research, yogurt was developed in two concentrations, one chocolate and one containing sucrose. The two treatments were packed in plastic containers and were evaluated 30 days under refrigeration. During this time pH, acidity, syneresis, sensory evaluation, analysis proximal and count of lactic acid bacteria were evaluated. The results indicated that the final pH, acidity and syneresis was 4,27; 0,95% and 13% respectively. Sensory yogurt with chocolate was relevantcharacteristics with scores above 4 out of 5 for the analysis proximal chocolate yogurt had a value of 3.2% above the yogurt with sucrose. lactic acid bacteria counts indicated an increase for samples with chocolate. Based on physic-chemical, sensory, proximal and microbiological characteristics it is suggested that the addition of chocolate can be considered a potential ingredient for yoghurt making.


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