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The willingness to apply standards in vegetable manufacturing companies in northwest México

La disposición a aplicar estandares en empresas productoras de hortalizas en el noroeste de méxico

How to Cite
Martínez Reina, A. M. (2014). The willingness to apply standards in vegetable manufacturing companies in northwest México. Sour Topics, 19(2), 234-244.

Antonio María Martínez Reina

The process of certification of vegetable producers in the northwest region of Mexico, it becomes necessary, If you want to improve competitiveness, in response to market demands them. This paper seeks to make a quantitative measurement of the provision to Certify by farmers, which means assuming additional costs but then become comparative advantages to the extent that the products can reach the market. Using the contingent valuation method (VC), Logistic regression techniques to estimate parameters using maximum likelihood, It is concluded that the application of standard variables especially quality and safety, working under contract farming, positively influence the willingness to certify production; while the experience as a producer of vegetables, influence negatively.

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