Use of fructooligosaccharides in elaboration of sugar free bread
Utilização de frutooligossacarídeos na elaboração de pão de forma sem açúcar
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Fructoologosaccharides (FOS) are considered prebiotics and have 60% of sucrose sweetness. The aim of this study was to evaluate technological characteristics of sugar free breads obtained with the use of FOS as a sugar substitute. The chemical composition and rheological properties of the wheat flour were determined. The sugar free breads were obtained with three levels of FOS (F1= 3.0%, F2 = 4.5% and F3 = 6.0% in wheat flour basis) and compared with control bread with sugar (F0). The analyzed parameters were: mass expansion, specific volume, crumb color (luminosity, chromo and hue) and texture (firmness, chewiness, springiness and cohesiveness). The best free sugar bread with FOS was selected by using Tukey’s test (p<0.05) and the principal component analysis (PCA). The wheat flour was considered within the expected values for use in bread production. The mass expansion test showed that the absence of sugar in breads containing FOS did not inhibit the fermentative process. Sugar free breads with FOS had significantly lower specific volume and chewiness compared to F0, which was confirmed by the PCA. PCA also showed that F2 have best characteristics compared to F1 and F3. As conclusion this study presented the possibility to produce sugar free breads using 4.5% of FOS as a sugar substitute and to make breads more beneficial to health.>< 0.05) and the principal component analysis (PCA). The wheat flour was considered within the expected values for use in bread production. The mass expansion test showed that the absence of sugar in breads containing FOS did not inhibit the fermentative process. Sugar free breads with FOS had significantly lower specific volume and chewiness compared to F0, which was confirmed by the PCA. PCA also showed that F2 have best characteristics compared to F1 and F3. As conclusion this study presented the possibility to produce sugar free breads using 4.5% of FOS as a sugar substitute and to make breads more beneficial to health.
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