Gastropods associated with Eichhornia crassipes in the wetlands complex of the bajo Sinu (Cordoba, Colombia)
Gastrópodos asociados a Eichhornia crassipes en el complejo cenagoso del bajo Sinú (Córdoba, Colombia)
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Between September 2004 and January 2005, the characterization of gastropods related with Eichhornia crassipes roots was carried out in the Purísima swamp and San Vicente spout, located in the Bajo Sinú wetland complex in Córdoba Department, Colombia. In each sector was located a station from which a sample with three replicates for five months of sampling was taken out. For the collection a network of 150 microns mesh eye, connected to a frame of 625 cm2 was used. Representatives of eight species of gastropods were collected in the swamp of Purísima, and seven in the spout of San Vicente. Assessments based on species density and using classification analysis, we determined that the composition of gastropod populations behaved similarly during the study period in both sectors. Physicochemical variables recorded in the two fields of study showed a similar trend, so during the rainy season and high water levels were low dissolved oxygen, total hardness and calcium, while in the dry season and low water levels predominated means of oxygen and high total hardness and calcium, indicating that differences in communities are those of the sector, caused by the system environmental characteristics, and the influence of man.
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