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Physicochemical and nutritional characteristics and uses of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.)

Características físico-químicas, nutricionais e formas de consumo da quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.)

How to Cite
Borges, J., Bonomo, R., De Paula, C. D., Oliveira, L., & Cesário, M. (2016). Physicochemical and nutritional characteristics and uses of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.). Sour Topics, 15(1), 9-23.

João Borges
Renata Bonomo
Cláudia Denise De Paula
Ludmilla Oliveira
Márcia Cesário

Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is a plant from the Chenopodiaceae family. This plant is grown in different regions of South America, specially in the Andes region, and it was recently introduced in Europe, North America, Asia and Africa. In Brazil, the quinoa plants use is limited due to the high costs of imported grains, the lack of knowledge by people and the few cultivars adapted to local conditions. This paper aims to review aspects related with quinoa chemical composition, nutrition and consumption. Quinoa grain nutritional value is higher than most cereal consumed in Brazil; however, quinoa seeds have saponins (main), phytic acid, tannins and trypsin inhibitors. These substances are present in higher concentration in external grain layers but can be easily removed by wet, dry and heat treatment. Commercially quinoa is found as whole, flour or polished grains form that can be applied to various products, either as main ingredient or combined to prepare derivative foods (pasta, snacks, flakes, flour, instant bakery products, among others).

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