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Growth parameters of new genotypes of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in three environments of Cordoba

Parámetros de crecimiento de nuevos genotipos de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) en tres ambientes de Córdoba

How to Cite
Charry, R., Pérez, D., Cabrales, E., & Degiovanni, V. (2016). Growth parameters of new genotypes of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in three environments of Cordoba. Sour Topics, 21(1), 18-27.

Rogers Charry
Dairo Pérez
Eliecer Cabrales
Víctor Degiovanni

In Colombia, new rice genotypes adapted to climate change have been released, however, their behavior is unknown in the main producing areas of Cordoba. In this sense, the response of the growth parameters was evaluated: relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR), leaf area index (LAI) and leaf area ratio (LAR) of rice genotypes: Fedearroz Mocarí, Fedearroz Caracolí and Fedearroz 473, in various environments in the department of Córdoba (Lorica, Monteria and San Bernardo del Viento). Arandomized complete blocks design was used in a 3x3 factorial arrangement, in whichthe first factors were the genotypes and the second ones were the three locations. The results show the influence of the interaction between variety and location; where F. Mocarí madethe best performance in RGR and NAR, F. Caracolí was more stable in RGR and F. 473 in NAR. Monteria’s LAI behavior was higher than Lorica’s by 59.0% and San Bernardo’s by 362.8%. In Monteria and San Bernardo F. Mocarí topped by 13.95 and 19.63% the other genotypes in LAR, while in Lorica was similar. Therefore, it can be concluded that F. Mocarí is the best option for producers to plant rice, due to its photosynthetic efficiency evidenced in the three rice-growing areas.

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